Saturday , July 27, 2024

Search Results for: durbin amendment

The EPC Recruits Social Media Influencers to Turn Up the Heat on the CCCA

The Electronic Payments Coalition has opened a new front in its battle to prevent passage of the Credit Card Competition Act: it’s recruiting social-media influencers to join its cause. In June, the EPC put out a memo on the new tactic as part of its “Hands Off My Rewards” campaign …

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With Time of the Essence, Arguments for And Against the CCCA Intensify

With Congress scheduled to adjourn Dec. 15, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., made a last-minute push on the Senate floor late Thursday, calling for a vote on the Credit Card Competition Act before adjournment. Durbin’s remarks, which also pushed back against arguments by  card networks and card issuers that the proposed …

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Payments 3.0: The Fed’s Dubious Debit Proposal

The latest round in the fight over interchange fees began Oct. 25. That’s when the Federal Reserve released its latest proposal on debit interchange. To recap, the Fed’s proposed rule would reduce the interchange that banks with more than $10 billion in assets would receive when their customers pay with …

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A New York Times Op-Ed Video Favoring the CCCA Sparks a New Tussle Over the Bill

The Electronic Payments Coalition issued a press release late Tuesday taking issue with a New York Times op-ed video that argues merchants and consumers already pay a high price for rewards cards and expresses support for the Credit Card Competition Act. In its rebuttal responding to the video, Richard Hunt, …

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The Fed’s Debit Card Interchange Proposal Isn’t Pleasing Merchants Or Issuers

The Federal Reserve Board’s proposal Wednesday to make a 31% reduction in the main component of its debit card interchange ceiling for large issuers touches on a longstanding sore point among merchants and has already sparked a spirited debate in the payments industry. Merchant groups, long riled by debit card …

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The Federal Reserve Is Set to Revisit the Debit Fee Cap

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors will consider revisions to its cap on debit card swipe fees at its meeting next Wednesday. The announcement was made as part of a public notice about the upcoming board meeting. While no further details were provided about the Fed’s intentions, retailers made it …

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The CCCA—What’s Not to Like?

Credit card interchange has come under assault, and not for the first time. Now, though, the stakes are higher than ever. The cleverly crafted “Credit Card Competition Act of 2023” from Sens. Durbin, Marshall, Welch, and Vance is the latest salvo in a forever war against payments-industry fees, including how …

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An Interchange Class-Action Settlement Inches Forward With a Recent Court Action

The federal court overseeing a $5.54-billion settlement between millions of card-accepting merchants, on one hand, and Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc., on the other, over interchange costs recently took several steps that ultimately could get payments out to merchants. But checks still won’t be in the mail for some time. …

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Who Will Route Transactions?

The Credit Card Competition Act is back in play. But as Congress debates the bill, a pressing question looms about its biggest requirement: Who are the Visa and Mastercard alternatives supposed to be? Senator Richard Durbin is back at it. After failing to advance the Credit Card Competition Act out …

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Clarifying CNP Debit Routing And Other Digital Transactions News briefs from 8/15/23

The U.S. Payments Forum has published a free white paper, “Regulation II Clarification for Debit Routing,” on the Federal Reserve’s announcement earlier this year that effective July 1 issuers must support network choice on card-not-present transactions, in addition to card-present, in accordance with the 2010 Durbin Amendment. Payment-card manufacturer CPI Card Group Inc. has …

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Digital Transactions