Saturday , July 27, 2024

Search Results for: durbin amendment

Cover Story: The Great Debit Network Reshuffle

MasterCard is up, and Visa’s Interlink is down—way down—as the U.S. debit industry realigns six months after the Durbin routing rules took effect. Other PIN-debit networks? It’s a mixed bag. But this card game is far from finished. By Jim Daly Think of countless Westerns where the bad guys storm …

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Components: Pen vs. PIN

Jane Adler Visa and some card issuers are pushing signature authentication for EMV chip cards, but merchants prefer PINs. So who will win? As financial institutions slowly roll out smart cards in the United States while processors struggle to meet looming deadlines for acceptance, a heated industry debate over authentication …

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Endpoint: Interchange Armistice? Not a Chance

The long war over interchange isn’t likely to end any time soon, which means its harmful effects will go on as well, says Eric Grover. The war over interchange will continue. Washington should stay out of it, playing the role of night watchman in payments, not central planner. Eric Grover …

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Nine Retail Trade Groups Take Their Credit Card Settlement Beefs to Congress

Numerous merchants and merchant groups have publicly declared their opposition to a controversial proposed settlement to the big credit card interchange litigation pending in federal court. In hopes of turning the settlement into a political issue, nine trade associations on Thursday took their beefs about it to Congress. In a …

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The NRF Bares Its Sword Against the Credit Card Interchange Settlement

The National Retail Federation announced on Tuesday that it is ready go to court to challenge the controversial proposed settlement to a massive group of merchant lawsuits against the bank card networks and some leading banks over card interchange. The NRF’s entry into the fray is the latest indication of …

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How Visa’s New Network Fee Can Bring New Credit Risk for Acquirers

Visa Inc.’s complicated new Fixed Acquirer Network Fee, or FANF, has caused considerable head scratching if not outright consternation for merchant acquirers, independent sales organizations, and merchants since it took effect in April. But, in addition to figuring out FANF’s mysteries, the acquiring industry needs to account for a new …

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Opinion & Analysis: Five Challenges for Banks And Merchants

Steve Mott Financial institutions and retailers are natural allies—not enemies—and nowhere can this alliance yield more profitable results than in mobile payments. Here are five problems the two sides must solve to make the most of this great mobile alliance—along with five proposed solutions.(Editor’s note: This article is the second …

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Cover Story: What’s This FANF Thing All About?

Born of the transformed world wrought by Durbin, Visa’s new acquirer fee is either a rational response to changed economics or a diabolical exercise of raw power, depending on whom you ask. By John Stewart Bruce Reisman is an angry man. “I’m not a happy camper. I’m constantly looking for …

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After Years of Pushing Signature Debit, Big Banks Are Promoting PIN, Study Shows

The nation’s biggest debit card issuers have reversed polarity and are now promoting PIN-debit cards over signature debit and small-value transactions over bigger tickets, if the results of a debit study released this week are any indication. “Certainly, there’s a fundamental shift under way” among large banks to focus on …

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As Big Chains Chafe at Settlement, Smaller Retailers Celebrate the Deal

With each passing day, the proposed settlement of the giant antitrust suit over credit card interchange and card network rules appears to unravel even more as big-box merchants increasingly express dissatisfaction with the $7-billion-plus deal. The latest is Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which issued a statement on Tuesday opposing the agreement …

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